Monday, April 4, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

RuneScape clans memberlists

You can create a RuneScape Clan management memberlist on RuneHead. I find it's useful if you have a bunch of players with combat levels over 100 and overall ranks that are higher than average.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Monday, April 13, 2009

Mechscape Clans

Clans have been around in Runescape for a long time but when will they come to Mechscape? They already have! You didn't know that. No. You didn't know.

The ones that have been registered on the Mechscape Clan directory are as follows:
- Slime Killers (SKC)
- The New Mechs (NM)
- Knife Pokers (KP)
- The Mechscapes (TMS)
- Eternal Pwnage (EP)
- and: THE Mechscape Clan (THE)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Runescape Tips and Help

Whenever you need some Runescape tips you go to the one place where you are likely to find the guides for it. You don't mess around. Runescape is a game, but we don't mess around. We go directly to the site that gives you all, and that is Ruenscape Tips.

Of course, the better place to go is always Zybez Runescape Help, as it is the #1 source of accurate quest guides, skill guides, and pretty much every other thing your tiny mind can imagine.

Mechscape Clans

Multiplayer is the biggest thing thesedays. Social Networking and anything that encourages interaction between human beings is very successful. If Jagex want to make Mechscape successful, they'll be placing a great emphasis on player interaction, and this translates into clans and group play. Of course, they've promised big changes to how people interact with each other within Runescape as well, but let's try to focus on just Mechscape for now. What could it be that Jagex want in Mechscape? Social networking? Well, no, but perhaps they'll have like myspace-style pages where players can see their information, their highscores, their statistics, their friends, their achivements (a la. funorb) , etc.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Runescape Clans HQ

All the Runescape Clans come to Runescape Community - that's where wars take place, and even recruiting.

That is the HQ of clans. However, recently, PKing has been nearly destroyed by recent updates. But, we all hope that something will be done soon to revive the once-crazy clan world - the warring forums with endless hustle and bustle.